Arianna Egidi Interior Design
A great interest in architecture and interiors had already developed in high school with a diploma from the artistic high school and subsequently had deepened at the Istituto Italiano Design.
I graduated in 2017 as an Interior Designer at IID in Perugia with a mark of 110 cum laude.
I developed the Ecoproduction Smart Work Lean Way project in collaboration with GESENU and focused on the redevelopment of the site’s facade.
It was a bold and challenging project, with the maximum expression of architecture and the creation of a green didactic area, which gave the possibility of high-profile engagement and expression.
The IID has developed in me, even more, the love for retail, commercial and hospitality projects that I decided to investigate through a company internship and then through a Master’s degree in luxury hotels at the Politecnico of Milan.
The interest and professionalism acquired for the HORECA design allowed me the opportunity to work on the staff of a leading company for the design and construction of high-level retailers with international chains.
In every field of design, whether the architectural or interior design of any space, a phrase by Le Corbusier contains my profession: “Architecture is a fact of art, a phenomenon that arouses emotion, beyond the problems of construction, beyond them. Construction is to take up: Architecture is to move.”
Spanish 100%, born in Córdoba in 1993, and I grew up between Paris and Madrid.
Since I was a child, I had a great relationship with art and history -but art is not just painting or sculpture.
In fact, after some attempts at studies in other sectors, I realized that my passion is that of Interior Design, that is “the art of creating a space”.
That is how I finally came to Perugia to start a new path at the Istituto Italiano Design, finishing my studies in 2017.
Three months after my graduation, I started working for a well-known local company: for me, it is not just a job, but the confirmation of having chosen the right path.
A job should never become an obligation, a job should be the pleasure of waking up every day in order to do that job, and I believe that there is no job more beautiful than that of the Designer.
Gian Raffaele Ciannavei Industrial Designer
Gian Raffaele Ciannavei, born in 1982, demonstrated his graphic-compositional skills from the earliest years, devoting himself entirely to drawing, studying representation techniques, and investigating the world of graphics.
His first choice of training was, therefore, a technical one.
He started at the school for surveyors that introduced him to the world of construction and the design of construction site management, making him immediately understand that a good project is not only a beautiful project but also must have utility and stability.
With Industrial Design, he rediscovered all his technical experience and training was a good foundation that finally led him to a more profound knowledge of himself.
This discovery helped him see that, in addition totechnical preparation, he was a dreamer who wanted to transform the idea of what many believe is impossible to bring into reality.
Due to his determination and the ultimate decisiveness that characterizes his soul, each of his creative commitments allow him to achieve his projects.
It is, therefore, possible to define G.R. Ciannavei as a professional who always looks to the future, who values first and foremost the emotional part of the project without neglecting the functionality and solidity, and who is going to upset the current standards of the day.
His accomplishments: First prize at the “CopyWorld Canon 2015” contest with the “MANHATTAN” project: a set of vases that reinterpret the typical shape of an object, giving it a new meaning and a new identity.
Third prize at the 20th edition of TARGA RODOLFO BONETTO 2015 with the project “LIVING PLUS” seating system, the project effectively emphasizes the new hierarchies between primary function (I sit) and a secondary function (how I sit).
Certificate of merit in the “CALL FOR IDEAS” competition organized by ECHOGREEN 2014 with the project “I’M paraLUME”: a lamppost designed with recycled and/or recyclable materials with a dual function.
Currently, he is the studio owner of “G.Raffaele Italian Design Group” , the studio that combines the different branches of Design: Industrial, Interiors, Garden, and Fashion.
He employs a team of professionals, preferring the green aspect and new technologies.
To date, he has worked with several companies in the area as a freelancer.
Alessandro Burelli Graphic Designer
Alessandro Burelli is an Umbrian graphic designer born in 1991.
In 2011 he graduated in the Graphic Design course of the Istituto Italiano Design. He began various work experiences with both private and local public entities and then became a freelancer in 2017.
In these years he never ceased to be curious about the subject and in addition to attending graphic and illustration festivals, he began to follow workshops on screen printing, lettering, publishing and illustration with high-level professionals.
In Foligno, his time is mainly involved in collaborations with Paraccucchi Armas (graphics studio with twenty years' experience), Associazione Culturale Dancity (organizer of an electronic music festival of international caliber) and Serendipity Club (one of the best clubs nationwide).
Jessica Ghisi Interior Designer
Umbra DOC (originally from Umbria) and determined since childhood, with a great passion for Interior Design, I set aside for a few years doing something that did not fit me.
At 24 years old, tired of office work, I decided to revolutionize my life. I left the long awaited permanent contract and went back to study, to realize that dream that had remained in the drawer for too long.
In 2010, I obtained the Interior Architecture Designer Diploma at the IID in Perugia.
From the beginning, I started essential collaborations with professionals and companies in the sector, on projects destined for both the national territory and abroad (Showroom furnishing in Libya, collaboration with Studio Tablino for the design of Holiday Homes in China of about 1600 square meters).
My interest, however, went beyond residential design, so I decided to deepen and also specialize in commercial design by attending the Advanced Training Course in Design for Innovation in Food Retail at the Polytechnic of Milan.
Here my franchise project for a yogurt shop was chosen as the best and implemented by MEC3 at SIGEP 2011, one of the largest International Food Fairs.
Enriched with so much experience around Italy, in 2014 I decided to settle in my Umbria, where the knowledge of the territory, of the artisans and of the companies I worked with, allowed me to express myself better in my profession.
Since then, every day I do my job as my “mission” because the designer is not only the one who will help you to furnish your home or your shop withgood taste, but it will be the one who will be able to fill the spaces with warmth and harmony and above all to materialize emotions.
Francesco Capuano Grafica e Illustrazione
Francesco Capuano, after a degree at the University of Agriculture and a path in the world of winemaking, decided to listen to his passion for art and began the course of Communication Design at the Istituto Italiano Design, graduating in 2015.
After completing his studies, he began collaborating with various companies, including the Lungarotti Winery.
In 2018 he founded Studio Be_Bop and began working as a graphic designer, illustrator and Social Media Manager for Castello di Reschio, a real estate company in Umbria specialized in luxury that transforms its properties into architectural and design masterpieces.
Roberta Libertella Interior Designer
I am an energetic person with a vivid imagination.
I always thought I was a creative person but didn’t have the skills to translate and transfer my ideas onto paper.
The Istituto Italiano Design helped me to have a new perspective and vision in Design.
After only one year, I started to see things in a different light, and I became more aware and attentive to detail.
I realized how important it is to deal with space and how space can influence emotions, for example, a house can be the mirror of the people who live there. During my period at IID, I had the opportunity to undertake an internship in an architectural firm for five months.
I graduated in 2016 and had a job opportunity in Kuwait as an Interior Design Instructor.
After my experience, I returned to Italy, where I joined a graphics studio.
Here I came into contact with a new part of Design, and I realized I had a strong passion for visual arts.
I am now expanding my skills in Interior Design and Graphics.
I do not think I will ever stop learning – every experience is a chance to broaden my perspective and satisfy my endless curiosity.
Stefano Santini Interior Designer
I am a former student of the Istituto Italiano Design, and I graduated with top marks in 2012.
I design both residential and commercial buildings and offices.
Since 2013, I have been working on my own, and since 2018, I am also the owner of a shop selling objects and furnishing accessories.
In addition to designing spaces, I like creating a complete product from every point of view: from the communication and coordinated image to the choice of every single object within the container I create.
Elena Poggianti Interior Designer
I am a 26-year-old interior designer.
While I was completing my training at the Italian Institute of Design in Perugia, I started working as an intern at Ital Proget, a company that deals with customized furniture in the Food & Beverage sector, where I then continued to work full time.
Currently, I deal with the complete design of local establishments, starting from the organization of the space and services, from aesthetic design and rendering, up to the realization of the executive project.
Enrico Giuseppe DeCandia Industrial Designer
Enrico Giuseppe DeCandia graduated from the Istituto Italiano Design in 2008 in Industrial Design.
After completing his studies, he started with an internship at the Ital Proget, now he is part of the Technical Office, also covering the role of Sales Manager for the Italy office.
The company deals with the design and construction of furnishings for bars, pastry shops and ice cream parlors.